How do I deregister my business entity?

How do I deregister a Business name?

You will need to submit BN Form XIII – Notice of Cessation of Business must be lodged in duplicate. When doing so an applicant must ensure

  1. The Business Name must be compliant with Annual returns
  2. The Business Name should not have already been canceled from the register

How much will this cost me?

  • BN Form XIII – K111.20

What forms will be required of me?


How do I deregister a Local company?

An application for company de-registration (Companies Form 44) is filed to the Registrar under section 318 of the Companies Act No. 10 of 2017 by members of a company. The purpose of this form is to request the Registrar to struck-off a company from the register for being dormant or defunct.  Upon receipt of the Company’s Form 44, the Registrar will cause it to be published in the Gazette or in a daily newspaper of general circulation in Zambia or other media notice of intention to deregister the company as requested.

What do I need to do?

A prescribed form must be filled in duplicate and signed by the directors of the company declaring that the company has resolved to de-register under section 318 of the Companies Act of 2017.

What forms will be required?

Companies Form 44 – Application for Company Deregistration

Does this process require additional documents?

  1. Special resolution
  2. Summary of accounts
  3. Statutory declaration by two or more directors
  4. Surrender of certificates